Review: Mari Conti – Invisible Things

Almost a decade after the release of her debut album, “Gentle Beauty”, Italian singer-songwriter Mari Conti is back with her sophomore LP, “Invisible Things”. Being immersed in music her entire life, Conti describes her first album as her manifesto: “I couldn’t live my life without searching for the beauty in all the things that surround me and everyone… kindness and respect between people, even if sometimes it’s hard to see those things among all life’s difficulties”. With her first album being a tribute to her vision of life and what she values, which key messages is her next album going to reveal? It’s clear from the get-go that the theme of connection is woven into the music she creates. Mari Conti’s new album delves into the darkness and light that can be found in life and the invisible ties that connect us all.
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Title track “Invisible Things” is a melodious and emotively rich song with swells of beautiful string instruments, layered harmonies and synthesizers to create a stirring story about human existence and the intangible things that lead us to our destiny. Conti sings, “There are some things we can’t see / But they’ll be with you, with you, with you… There are some things you can’t feel / But they’ll be with you, with you, with you”. It beautifully highlights that events are happening all around us that influence our path, for better or worse, even though we can’t see or feel them.
If I had to pick a personal favorite from the eleven tracks that “Invisible Things” offers, it would have to be “Shine On Me”. The lyrics of the song spoke to me in particular and with its catchy chorus, this song got stuck in my head big time. “It’s a crazy life / But you’ll shine on me / Shine on me / Like the stars tonight / But you’ll shine on me / Shine on me”. With the combination of funky piano chords, electronic background track, gorgeous vocal harmonies and the bass drops that happen throughout the song, this track leaves you wanting more.
The intrinsic vibe of the album is laid back with carefully crafted electronic beats and smooth vocals. British-Jamaican singer-songwriter and record producer Mozez was responsible for the production of both of Mari Conti’s albums. He is featured as the lead vocalist on “Love Is A Heart”, a perfect example of the smooth vibe the album provides.
It is evident throughout “Invisible Things” that Mari Conti and Mozez have a history of creating music designed for DJs and fans of electronic music in a sphere somewhere between lounge and EDM. This is shown distinctively in the lead single “Hangin’ On A Kiss” or “Live Now” with its rhythmic bass, audio distortion and synths, and a touch of soul in the backing vocals added by Mozez.
It’s refreshing to listen to an album that pushes the boundaries on what constitutes the mainstream way to create a song. The typical blueprint of tracks with an ABABCB structure has been chucked out the window on Mari Conti’s album. “Invisible Things” is an album that is inherently its own in sound, style and structure. A breath of fresh air to listen to!
Written by Ria Loveder
A lover of music, scuba diving and avocados. Ria loves telling a good story just as much as she loves avocado and feta on toast. When not freelance writing, you can find her in the ocean being a professional mermaid, as Mermaid Ria, or creating her customers dream hair at Ocean Dreads.
Author’s rating for Invisible Things
Pop Magazine’s official rating for Invisible Things
Rating key
MASTERPIECE a must-have
SUPERB for heavy rotation
EXCELLENT a great achievement
VERY GOOD a respectable result
GOOD worth checking out
FAIR an average outcome
WEAK not convincing stuff
BAD an underwhelming effort
VERY BAD quite a waste
FAIL a total failure
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